We Build Your Business | Free Consult | 25+ Yrs. of Experience
Free Initial Consultations
45+ Yrs. of Construction Exp.
25+ Yrs. of Consulting Exp.
Bidding a job incorrectly could cause your construction or remodeling company some major headaches. No client wants to hear that their job will cost more than expected, and you don't want to have to come up short on your end.
You can count on House of Hanbury Building Consultants for experienced guidance in construction cost estimating. We have over 45 years of experience in the industry and more than 25 years of experience as consultants. We train new contractors and companies of any age on how to create accurate cost projections and estimates. For a free initial consultation about our services, please call today.
Call Today for a Free Initial Consultation
Let us help you avoid costly errors in construction cost estimation.
(860) 666-1537
Licensed: HIC #501970
We accept texts to our mobile number.
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